Smart Prosperity Leaders’ Initiative has selected PURPOD100® as one of their Clean Innovation Success Stories. PURPOD100® has brought Canadian clean innovation to the global doorstep within the coffee industry. PURPOD100®, the world’s first certified compostable coffee pod, marks a commitment by Club Coffee to continually innovate to accelerate Canada’s clean growth initiative.
The Smart Prosperity Leaders’ Initiative was launched by respected Canadian leaders from business, think tanks, labour, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and NGO communities. The purpose is to harness new thinking to accelerate Canada’s transition to a stronger, cleaner economy.
The Initiative’s activities are focused on:
>> Mapping out a course to a stronger, cleaner economy by establishing a 10-year vision for making Canada a clean growth leader, supported by specific goals, metrics, and policy road map
>> Bringing together a diverse group of Canadian leaders who provide a balanced, evidence-based voice for implementing this vision
>> Demonstrating what a stronger, cleaner economy looks like to show that clean growth is a critical economic opportunity – not a threat – and to build a psychology of success in Canada
To learn more about PURPOD100®’s Success Story by the Clean Innovation Initiative please visit:
Watch a quick video on what the Clean Innovation Initiative is:
To learn more about the Smart Prosperity Leaders’ Initiative please visit: