2016 Best Environmental Sustainability Initiative
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2019 Gordon Food Service Cornerstone Partner Award
Read More from 2019 Gordon Food Service Cornerstone Partner Award

Club Coffee Welcomes Ontario Government Support for Compostable Coffee Pods in Municipal Composting Systems
TORONTO, Sept. 30, 2020 – Club Coffee welcomes the Ontario government announcement that municipalities should now include certified compostable coffee pods in their food waste diversion programs under the province’s updated Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement. “Ontario government support for compostable coffee pods including Club Coffee’s PURPOD100® is a game-changer,” said Club Coffee CEO John Pigott.
Club Coffee Enhances Its Consumer Recycling and Composting Information on Pack
Club Coffee, the leader in plant-based compostable single-serve coffee pods, is implementing the How2Recycle and How2Compost label instructions on its packaging. It joins more than 250 North American industry leaders using the programs to give consumers clear messaging about where their packaging is designed to be discarded when they’re done using it.
Read More from Club Coffee Enhances Its Consumer Recycling and Composting Information on Pack
Plastic Coffee Pods: Good, Bad, or Just Plain Ugly?
What happens to your plastic coffee pods once they’re thrown away? They’re probably going straight to a landfill — even the ones labelled “recyclable”. Professor Calvin Lakhan of the Faculty of Environmental Studies at Toronto’s York University is one of Canada’s leading experts on our waste systems.
Read More from Plastic Coffee Pods: Good, Bad, or Just Plain Ugly?

Solutions for single-use plastic pollution must consider all stakeholders
The Canadian government recently announced it would be tackling the global pollution crisis with bans on single-use plastics.
The details of the Canadian plan remain to be seen, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada would follow the lead of the European Union with their vote to ban items that often end up littered in oceans and waterways.
Read More from Solutions for single-use plastic pollution must consider all stakeholders

Compostable VS. Plastic Coffee Pods
Separating Fact From Fiction – Get answers to your questions!
– Are plastic coffee pods recyclable?
– Why aren’t the K-Cup®* and RealCup pods recyclable?
– I thought that if I separate the lid from the plastic pod, and dump out the coffee, I can put it in my Blue Bin?
– Why do some manufacturers advertise that their pods can be recycled?
Club Coffee Welcomes Ontario’s Commitment to Support Compostable Product Innovation
New Ontario Working Group Expected to Recommend How to Accept Compostable Coffee Pods and Other Innovations in Ontario Green Bins
Toronto, June 20, 2019 — Club Coffee, the leader in plant-based, compostable single serve coffee pods, saluted the Ontario government decision to move rapidly so compostable coffee pods will be accepted in all Ontario green bins.
Read More from Club Coffee Welcomes Ontario’s Commitment to Support Compostable Product Innovation
Tackling the Single-Use Plastics Crisis One Compostable Coffee Pod at a Time
Published in: National Post Circular Economy Special Insert
Single-use plastics are now seen as a global crisis. Less than 10 percent of them are recycled. The rest are sent to landfills, dumped into lakes and oceans, burned for energy with its own environmental implications, or shipped to countries like the Philippines that are now pushing it back to us.
Read More from Tackling the Single-Use Plastics Crisis One Compostable Coffee Pod at a Time